JSP for procreqinfoForm form
Procedure for Request of Information
1.  What is the Application Procedure for requesting information?
2.  What is the time limit to get the information?
3.  What is the fee?
4.  What could be the ground for rejection?

What is the Application Procedure for requesting information?

Ans:1. Apply in writing in English or Hindi or in the official language of the area, to the PIO, specifying the particulars of the information sought for.2. Reason for seeking information are not required to be given;3. Pay fees as may be prescribed (if not belonging to the below poverty line category)

What is the time limit to get the information?

Ans: 1. 30 days from the date of application 2. 48 hours for information concerning the life and liberty of a person 3. 5 days shall be added to the above response time, in case the application for information is given to Assistant Public Information Officer. 4. If the interests of a third party are involved then time limit will be 40 days (maximum period + time given to the party to make representation). 5. Failure to provide information within the specified period is a deemed refusal.

What is the fee?

Ans:The details of fee are announced by G.O.Ms.No.454 GA (I&PR.II) Department Dated: 13.10.2005 with amendments vide G.O.Ms.No. 530 and G.O.Ms.No.545

What could be the ground for rejection?

Ans: 1. If it is covered by exemption from disclosure. (S.8) 2. If it infringes copyright of any person other than the State. (S.9)

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